Welcome to Conquer Odyssey!
It all started because of Cookie started asking me questions about CO2 and forced me to make her tools to help her with her custom maps while I was playing Conquer Origins. At the end, I came back to the CO2 scene after more than a decade and started this project, my ultimate project, which for once isn't simply named COPS...
This server is not ordinary. I didn't only implement features like I remembered (or people remembered). I took time to reverse engineer actual algorithms and rates from Retail, even the ones that people may not be a fan of, like Battle Power. I hope you'll like this journey to the past! Enjoying classic CO like you did years before.
- Reverse engineering the Retail algorithms is a personal goal.
- The server will diverge from Retail over time. New classes? New events? New quests? Let's see!
Finally, a huge thank you to all the people who helped test this server during the pre-alpha and alpha phases. Without your work, there wouldn't be a server today. There are still bugs out there to find, but we are far from the pre-alpha state!
Enough said, enjoy the world of Conquer Odyssey!